Thursday, April 23, 2009

26 weeks...

Wow its been awhile since I updated but nothing much has changed..except my belly size:) My next appt is 3wks and then I start going every 2 wks! I cant believe its almost that time...but I ready for it! Aubrey's room is still a work in progress. We have the crib up. We get the dresser hopefully next week and the room is painted. I am going to go check out some fabric that I like at Joann's Fabric and see if I can find someone to make her bumpers for me since we cant find EXACTLY what we want. At this point I wish I knew how to sew:( Anyway her room will be done in plenty of time! This girl is going to come out a fighter I swear. She moves SO MUCH MORE than Jillian ever did. If I drink anything cold she starts moving. She kicks and punches from 9-11pm every night. And, the last couple of nights she has woke me up out of a dead sleep moving. Other than my sciatic nerve hurting here and there things are going great!

Jillian is starting to talk so much! She is starting to put 2 words together..Like this am she said "B, NO!!" B is our neighbor that I watch..his name is Braden but she calls him B like his mom and dad do. She used to say Aubee for Aubrey but now its turned into Aubow. I cant wait until she is putting sentences together. It will make life a lil easier:) Below Im posting a couple of pictures from the last couple of weeks. Jillian and I are in a wedding in sept..and shes the flower we were trying on dresses:)