Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Day

Well yesterday was a snow day for a lot of people on my street including me! Sarah could not make it to Indy and my 5 yr old neighbor's mom had no school so I didnt have any kids. Jillian and I hung out for a bit and then I sent her across the street to our neighbors while I went on a hunt for snow boots. Thankfully I got lucky at the first stop. I got snow boots and warm gloves she needed. After her nap I got her dressed which took forever! I admit Im paranoid and she was probably sweating when she was outside! When I put on her boots she couldnt even walk. It was pretty funny. She got to play outside w/ the kids and enjoyed it for awhile but I definitely think shes like her mother. She likes to be warm and would rather be on a beach then go skiing. I definitely hate the cold!!! 

Later on when we were giving her a bath Dustin and I kept hearing banging. I finally thought I bet its our neighbors throwing snowballs at our door. I open the door and look..I dont see anyone..then I see 3 heads pop up behind a huge snowmound. I was thinking it was going to be the lil kids..nope it was one of the parents and his 2 friends. Then they made their way down the street doing it to our other friends. Then Dustin headed outside to hang out. Our neighbor Mike got his golf cart out and was pulling the kids (and dustin) behind it. It was a funny sight. Jillian and I chose to stay inside. 

So after Jillian went to bed I had Dustin take some belly pics. I believe now that you show sooner with your 2nd. Here I am at 14wks and when I was pregnant with Jillian I didnt look like this until at least 20 wks. Maybe I should have him start taking pictures in the morning than at night after a huge meal!

Monday, January 26, 2009

14 Weeks & Ultrasound

Well today we went to get our Down Syndrome ultrasound and it was great! We will not get the results back for a couple of weeks. She said not hearing from them is good Im hoping I dont get a phone call anytime soon! It was so neat to see how much our baby has grown from our 8 wks ultrasound. It actually looks like a baby now instead of a lil bean. He/she was bending its head all the way back, turning to face us and squirming around. He/she also kept sucking its thumb and opening and closing its mouth. It was too cute. To get the measurements the baby has to be in a specific position and the baby just was not cooperating!! She tried for 45mins!!! She did get one picture that may work so they can figure out the measurements. She kept calling him/her "lil booger and stinker." I asked her if she would try to see the sex and she did w/out us knowing and said she couldnt really get a good shot. Afterwards she showed me a picture and said Im saying girl only because of this one picture. It showed something sticking straight out (which at this point the girl parts are swollen and look kind of like a boys parts). She said if its sticking straight out it usually means girl and if it is going up its a boy..but she said Im just saying and im not positive and we shouldnt run with it!! Well Dustin already has. He is for certain its a girl. We will see! We really like the name Aubrey for a girl and Im kind of getting use to that name..if its  boy we are sticking w/ Jackson David and it will be jackson..Not Jack:)
Just a little update on Miss J. She has been a holy terror the past week. Dustin and I are so confused on whats going on. She may be getting her molars or shes just hitting a different stage in her life..which Dustin and I are not liking whatsoever!!!!! Its awful. Shes inconsolable, cries and throws a fit about everything. She used to LOVE going bye bye. She would get her hat, coat and shoes and want to it takes 10mins to get her in her coat because shes ripping it off the whole time and screaming crying. Please god let this just be a phase...a very very short phase!!! We still love her and love to see her cute lil smile!! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pictures from Florida

This one is actually from Xmas but its too cute not to show!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Posting

I am going to warn everyone right off the bat..Im a horrible writer! I have always hated it but will try to keep this updated (for all those asking about the pregnancy and Miss Jillian (aka the diva or princess). 
Jillian has turned into quite the lil miss independent girl. She absolutely HATES having her diaper changed. She kicks and screams. I try to tell her not to kick Mommy in the tummy but that doesn't work. She usually listens to Daddy but not Mommy so I can see we are going to buttheads when she becomes a teenager. Like my mom and dad say "pay back is coming!" And, I know they are going to sit back and enjoy every minute of it. I do believe she is going to be a great big sister though. She picks up her baby and gives her kisses and hugs all the time. She also likes to burp her. If you ask Jillian "Where is the baby?" She will point to her tummy. If she is sitting w/ me she will lift up my shirt and give my stomach kisses. Its pretty cute. Once I learn to post pictures I will post the picture of her kissing my belly. 
The pregnancy is going great now! In the beginning it was a little rough. I had my first OB appointment and Dr. Case said that with each pregnancy the symptoms are more noticable. I definitely agree with that. I never felt like this with Jillian but I am feeling so much better now. In the beginning I had to eat ALL the time too feel OK but nothing I mean nothing sounded or looked good. Just the thought of eating made me want to puke. So I figured as much as I had been eating I would have gained 8lbs or more in 8wks but I have only gained 2. Thank god! Hopefully it keeps going that way. We had our 1st ultrasound December 16th and baby is doing great. His/her heartrate was 154. When we had Jillians first ultrasound her heartrate was 181! So thats quite a difference. Could this mean a boy this time;) Well on Monday we go for another ultrasound which screens for Down Syndrome. I am so excited to see the baby again and Dustin is excited to see the baby for the 1st time! I will be 14wks so Im hoping the ultrasound tech will take a glance between the legs! I know its not 100% guarantee but we should be able to tell! 
Well I think I have wrote enough for my first post and will update on Monday on how our ultrasound went!