Monday, January 26, 2009

14 Weeks & Ultrasound

Well today we went to get our Down Syndrome ultrasound and it was great! We will not get the results back for a couple of weeks. She said not hearing from them is good Im hoping I dont get a phone call anytime soon! It was so neat to see how much our baby has grown from our 8 wks ultrasound. It actually looks like a baby now instead of a lil bean. He/she was bending its head all the way back, turning to face us and squirming around. He/she also kept sucking its thumb and opening and closing its mouth. It was too cute. To get the measurements the baby has to be in a specific position and the baby just was not cooperating!! She tried for 45mins!!! She did get one picture that may work so they can figure out the measurements. She kept calling him/her "lil booger and stinker." I asked her if she would try to see the sex and she did w/out us knowing and said she couldnt really get a good shot. Afterwards she showed me a picture and said Im saying girl only because of this one picture. It showed something sticking straight out (which at this point the girl parts are swollen and look kind of like a boys parts). She said if its sticking straight out it usually means girl and if it is going up its a boy..but she said Im just saying and im not positive and we shouldnt run with it!! Well Dustin already has. He is for certain its a girl. We will see! We really like the name Aubrey for a girl and Im kind of getting use to that name..if its  boy we are sticking w/ Jackson David and it will be jackson..Not Jack:)
Just a little update on Miss J. She has been a holy terror the past week. Dustin and I are so confused on whats going on. She may be getting her molars or shes just hitting a different stage in her life..which Dustin and I are not liking whatsoever!!!!! Its awful. Shes inconsolable, cries and throws a fit about everything. She used to LOVE going bye bye. She would get her hat, coat and shoes and want to it takes 10mins to get her in her coat because shes ripping it off the whole time and screaming crying. Please god let this just be a phase...a very very short phase!!! We still love her and love to see her cute lil smile!! 

1 comment:

  1. Miss J! She even has a "sassy" nick-name! Hopefully this phase will pass Lace. Hope you are feeling well, we will keep the fingers crossed that the "something sticking straight out" starts sticking up! Otherwise as I am sure Jake will tell Dustin, Tank won't have a preference for older or younger women, he will like both! :)
