Thursday, April 23, 2009

26 weeks...

Wow its been awhile since I updated but nothing much has changed..except my belly size:) My next appt is 3wks and then I start going every 2 wks! I cant believe its almost that time...but I ready for it! Aubrey's room is still a work in progress. We have the crib up. We get the dresser hopefully next week and the room is painted. I am going to go check out some fabric that I like at Joann's Fabric and see if I can find someone to make her bumpers for me since we cant find EXACTLY what we want. At this point I wish I knew how to sew:( Anyway her room will be done in plenty of time! This girl is going to come out a fighter I swear. She moves SO MUCH MORE than Jillian ever did. If I drink anything cold she starts moving. She kicks and punches from 9-11pm every night. And, the last couple of nights she has woke me up out of a dead sleep moving. Other than my sciatic nerve hurting here and there things are going great!

Jillian is starting to talk so much! She is starting to put 2 words together..Like this am she said "B, NO!!" B is our neighbor that I watch..his name is Braden but she calls him B like his mom and dad do. She used to say Aubee for Aubrey but now its turned into Aubow. I cant wait until she is putting sentences together. It will make life a lil easier:) Below Im posting a couple of pictures from the last couple of weeks. Jillian and I are in a wedding in sept..and shes the flower we were trying on dresses:) 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Half way there!

Well Im almost 20wks pregnant and only 20 more weeks until we get to meet Aubrey Rae! I am so anxious and excited to see what this lil girl is going to look like and what her personality will be. I wonder if she will look a lot like her sister. When my sister and I were younger EVERYONE asked my mom if we were twins (well we were only 15months apart). What the hell were my parents thinking. Anyway I get a lot of people that say Jillian looks just like Dustin but those are usually the people that havent seen my dad. Everyone that knows my dad or have only met him a couple of times thinks Jillian looks just like him! I dont see it by just looking at the 2 of them together but if you compare Jillians 6month baby pictures and my dads & my aunts (my dad's sister)...they are IDENTICAL. Its kind of scary! I will scan my dads & aunts baby pictures soon and post them. Its really crazy how much they look alike. So Im really excited to see what Aubrey will look like:) No matter what I know she will be just as beautiful as her big sis. 

A little update on Jillian. We took her for her 18month checkup and shes 22lbs 31 1/2in. Shes FINALLY growing!! We thought she would be stuck at 20lbs forever. She's still our lil peanut. She is getting all 4 of her molars! One on top and bottom have now popped through and the other 2 arent far behind. She is talking so much now. She and I are so happy its getting warm out too because I dont think we were going to last being inside all day much longer. 

I go for my next appt on Wednesday. It will just be a check up. I will get weighed in and they will listen to Aubrey's heartbeat. Cant wait!

I just wanted to say congratulations to our friends Jake & Darcy. They had a beautiful baby boy..Xavier David Knott. Hes just perfect!! Also I wanted to say congratulations to my brother & sister-in-law and our friends Brady & Ashley Claxton. They both are expecting their 2nd babies and are due 1 day apart!

Here are some recent pictures of Miss Jillian.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

BIG ultrasound results

And, its anothe girl!! Let me tell you how excited Dustin is. Not very. He says hes doomed but I know once he meets baby Aubrey all that will change:) And, its so exciting that Jillian will have a sister. Everyone needs a sister. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BIG ultrasound rescheduled!

The big ultrasound was suppose to be March 3rd but I just called to see if they had any openings this Friday since I wont have Ben that day. They had an opening at 10am! So looks like we will be finding out if Jillian will have a baby sister or brother Friday:) Thats if this baby cooperates. He/she didnt last ultrasound. 

Friday, February 13, 2009

16 weeks

Well Im 16 weeks and definitely popped out in the past 2 weeks. Its actually starting to look more like a pregnant belly than a beer gut. I had my 16week Dr. appt and everything seems fine. I took Jillian with me and she was the cutest thing ever. When we got there she handed the ladies my insurance card and she got to hold the papers they gave me back. Then I got Jillian a book and sat down in the waiting room. Jillian crawled in the seat next to me and started looking at her book. They called us into the back and she watched them weigh me and check my blood pressure. When we were walking to our room Dr. Case (who delivered Jillian) saw Jillian for the first time and said "oh my god does she look JUST like her dad." I never hear that anymore! Dr. Case came into the room and had me get onto the table. I figured that would be interesting and thought J would cry. Well she just whined a little bit but then when Dr. Case let us hear the heartbeat Jillian smiled from ear to ear. It was so funny and cute! After the appt we scheduled my BIG ultrasound. It is set for March 3rd!! Hopefully the baby is healthy and he/she cooperates...although we are confident its a she! 

After the Dr. Appt we drove to St.Vincent where our good friends Jake and Darcy were having their baby. When I got there she was pushing so I thought I would wait a little bit. We waited for about an hour and Jake came out saying it would be awhile. We headed back to Lafayette because we had to get ready for our family Vday dinner. We finally got the news around 7:00pm Darcy delivered a healthy 8lb 7oz baby boy..Xavier David Knott. We are so happy for them!

Well we figured out the reason for Jillians crabiness! She is getting 3 molars and 2 bottom side teeth. Poor girl. Im glad to find out Jillian wasnt getting a new that wouldnt be able to deal with! She is back to her happy funny self and we are so grateful for that. And, she doesnt seem to be in much pain for having those huge molars coming through! We took her to the dr. a week ago for a cold and she still only weighed 21lbs! But she might have weighed more if she had an appetite. She hasnt been eating much due to the teething also. 

Jillian and lil bean will have a new cousin! My brother and Sarah are expecting their 2nd baby..due Sept 18th. Just 1.5months after my baby is born! Very exciting!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Day

Well yesterday was a snow day for a lot of people on my street including me! Sarah could not make it to Indy and my 5 yr old neighbor's mom had no school so I didnt have any kids. Jillian and I hung out for a bit and then I sent her across the street to our neighbors while I went on a hunt for snow boots. Thankfully I got lucky at the first stop. I got snow boots and warm gloves she needed. After her nap I got her dressed which took forever! I admit Im paranoid and she was probably sweating when she was outside! When I put on her boots she couldnt even walk. It was pretty funny. She got to play outside w/ the kids and enjoyed it for awhile but I definitely think shes like her mother. She likes to be warm and would rather be on a beach then go skiing. I definitely hate the cold!!! 

Later on when we were giving her a bath Dustin and I kept hearing banging. I finally thought I bet its our neighbors throwing snowballs at our door. I open the door and look..I dont see anyone..then I see 3 heads pop up behind a huge snowmound. I was thinking it was going to be the lil kids..nope it was one of the parents and his 2 friends. Then they made their way down the street doing it to our other friends. Then Dustin headed outside to hang out. Our neighbor Mike got his golf cart out and was pulling the kids (and dustin) behind it. It was a funny sight. Jillian and I chose to stay inside. 

So after Jillian went to bed I had Dustin take some belly pics. I believe now that you show sooner with your 2nd. Here I am at 14wks and when I was pregnant with Jillian I didnt look like this until at least 20 wks. Maybe I should have him start taking pictures in the morning than at night after a huge meal!

Monday, January 26, 2009

14 Weeks & Ultrasound

Well today we went to get our Down Syndrome ultrasound and it was great! We will not get the results back for a couple of weeks. She said not hearing from them is good Im hoping I dont get a phone call anytime soon! It was so neat to see how much our baby has grown from our 8 wks ultrasound. It actually looks like a baby now instead of a lil bean. He/she was bending its head all the way back, turning to face us and squirming around. He/she also kept sucking its thumb and opening and closing its mouth. It was too cute. To get the measurements the baby has to be in a specific position and the baby just was not cooperating!! She tried for 45mins!!! She did get one picture that may work so they can figure out the measurements. She kept calling him/her "lil booger and stinker." I asked her if she would try to see the sex and she did w/out us knowing and said she couldnt really get a good shot. Afterwards she showed me a picture and said Im saying girl only because of this one picture. It showed something sticking straight out (which at this point the girl parts are swollen and look kind of like a boys parts). She said if its sticking straight out it usually means girl and if it is going up its a boy..but she said Im just saying and im not positive and we shouldnt run with it!! Well Dustin already has. He is for certain its a girl. We will see! We really like the name Aubrey for a girl and Im kind of getting use to that name..if its  boy we are sticking w/ Jackson David and it will be jackson..Not Jack:)
Just a little update on Miss J. She has been a holy terror the past week. Dustin and I are so confused on whats going on. She may be getting her molars or shes just hitting a different stage in her life..which Dustin and I are not liking whatsoever!!!!! Its awful. Shes inconsolable, cries and throws a fit about everything. She used to LOVE going bye bye. She would get her hat, coat and shoes and want to it takes 10mins to get her in her coat because shes ripping it off the whole time and screaming crying. Please god let this just be a phase...a very very short phase!!! We still love her and love to see her cute lil smile!!