Sunday, March 8, 2009

Half way there!

Well Im almost 20wks pregnant and only 20 more weeks until we get to meet Aubrey Rae! I am so anxious and excited to see what this lil girl is going to look like and what her personality will be. I wonder if she will look a lot like her sister. When my sister and I were younger EVERYONE asked my mom if we were twins (well we were only 15months apart). What the hell were my parents thinking. Anyway I get a lot of people that say Jillian looks just like Dustin but those are usually the people that havent seen my dad. Everyone that knows my dad or have only met him a couple of times thinks Jillian looks just like him! I dont see it by just looking at the 2 of them together but if you compare Jillians 6month baby pictures and my dads & my aunts (my dad's sister)...they are IDENTICAL. Its kind of scary! I will scan my dads & aunts baby pictures soon and post them. Its really crazy how much they look alike. So Im really excited to see what Aubrey will look like:) No matter what I know she will be just as beautiful as her big sis. 

A little update on Jillian. We took her for her 18month checkup and shes 22lbs 31 1/2in. Shes FINALLY growing!! We thought she would be stuck at 20lbs forever. She's still our lil peanut. She is getting all 4 of her molars! One on top and bottom have now popped through and the other 2 arent far behind. She is talking so much now. She and I are so happy its getting warm out too because I dont think we were going to last being inside all day much longer. 

I go for my next appt on Wednesday. It will just be a check up. I will get weighed in and they will listen to Aubrey's heartbeat. Cant wait!

I just wanted to say congratulations to our friends Jake & Darcy. They had a beautiful baby boy..Xavier David Knott. Hes just perfect!! Also I wanted to say congratulations to my brother & sister-in-law and our friends Brady & Ashley Claxton. They both are expecting their 2nd babies and are due 1 day apart!

Here are some recent pictures of Miss Jillian.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so that is too funny that Jillian doesn't even weigh 23 Ibs. at her 18 month appointment, and that's how much Caden weighed at his 12 month. He's always been a big baby though, and he's a boy, so I guess that's the difference. I can't wait for them to meet each other and play. I think they would have lots of fun and it looks like they both love to give kisses!
